Competition Rules

Competition Terms and Conditions

1. These terms and conditions together with any specific rules set out in Competition Notices (as

defined below) are the Competition Term ("Terms"), together to be defined as the "Competition",

unless otherwise expressly stated. By entering a Competition, entrants agree to be bound by these


2. The Competition(s) is organised and operated by B Radio , its

sponsor(s) or any company, radio station or website owned or controlled (directly or indirectly)("us",

“we”, ”our” “B Radio ”).

3. Terms specific to each Competition are displayed in a notice included on the radio station's

website web page posting for such Competition (the "Competition Notice") and are incorporated

herein. In the event of discrepancy between these terms and conditions and the Competition Notice,

the Competition Notice shall prevail.

4. We reserve the right to cancel or amend the Competition, the Competition Notice or these Terms

at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted either within a Competition Notice or

these Terms. A copy of the Terms may also be obtained by sending a stamped self-addressed

envelope addressed “Competition Terms” to the radio station

5. In the event of any dispute regarding conduct, results and all other matters relating to a

Competition, our decision will be final and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.

Qualifying Entrants

1. To qualify to enter the Competition you must be resident in the United Kingdom .

2. Employees of B RADIO or any company involved in the Competition or, if relevant, any advertising

agency connected with us, or any such person's subsidiary or associated companies, agents or

members of their families or households, are not eligible to enter the Competition. We reserve the

right to verify the eligibility of all entrants.

3. Additional eligibility requirements may apply to a specific Competition, e.g. a valid passport, visas

and/or driver's licence. Provision of such documents will be required if the Competition prize

includes travel outside the United Kingdom and/or car hire.

4. By entering the Competition, you hereby warrant that all information submitted by you is true,

current and complete.

5. We assume that by using our site and entering the Competition (and you warrant that) either you

have legal capacity to enter the Competition and agree to the Terms (i.e. that you are of sufficient

age and mental capacity and are entitled to be legally bound in contract) or your parents have

consented to your entry of the Competition and use of these Terms.

6. We reserve the right to disqualify any entrant if we have reasonable grounds to believe the

entrant has significantly breached any of these terms and conditions.

7. In the event that any entrant is disqualified from the Competition, in our sole discretion we may

decide whether a replacement contestant should be selected. In this event, any further entrant will

be selected on the same criteria as the original entrant and will be subject to these Terms.

8. By signing the Agreement, you confirm and warrant that, to the best of your knowledge, you have

no medical condition that could be adversely affected by any of the events or activities planned or

reasonably expected to be involved in the Competition. You must notify B RADIO of any medical or other

condition which may mean that you are unfit for travel or participation in the Competition as soon

as you become aware of such a condition.

9. You must take all reasonable steps to ensure your own health and safety. Any behaviour or act or

conduct by you (including without limitation any abusive behaviour, physical or psychological).which

B RADIO considers to pose any medical, security or safety risk may lead to your immediate


10. You are obliged to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety standards and the general

appropriateness of activities undertaken during the Competition and acknowledge that all activities

are undertaken at your own risk. B RADIO reserve the right to forfeit your place on the Competition or the

Prize (without liability or compensation) if, in its reasonable opinion, you may expose yourself or

others to risk of illness or injury or to the cancellation, disruption, or curtailment of the Competition.

11. You agree not to carry on your person (or in your possession or control) or to purchase or

consume during the Competition any illegal substance. You acknowledge and agree that alcohol

consumption will only be allowed with the express prior consent of B RADIO and any health and safety

team, who will have full authority to restrict your levels of consumption

Competition Entries

1. Only one entry per person per Competition is allowed. Incomplete or indecipherable entries will

be void (in B RADIO 's absolute discretion).

2. Competition entries must be made in the manner and by the closing date specified on the

Competition Notice. Failure to do so will disqualify the entry.

3. There is no purchase requirement to enter a Competition.

4. Source material used by B RADIO 's question compilers shall be taken as correct.

5. Where participation in a Competition involves utilising a premium rate telephone line we will

adhere to the ICSTIS rules.Calls will normally cost a premium charge plus the standard rate for you

mobile network provider.You should check with your network for more details.For the avoidance of

doubt, the cost of calls from different mobile phone service providers may vary.

6. Proof of posting cannot be accepted as proof of delivery. We cannot accept responsibility for any

error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications

line failure, theft, destruction, alteration of, or unauthorised access to entries, or entries lost or

delayed whether or not arising during operation or transmission as a result of server functions, virus,

bugs or other causes outside our control.

7. Entrants should note that unless stated otherwise by us, we do not accept responsibility for the

return of any Competition entries, including those consisting of artistic or other material, and may

dispose of entries at our discretion.


1. Prize winners will be chosen at random unless specified otherwise in the Competition Notice, from

all qualifying entries within 28 days of the closing date specified in the Competition Notice.

Tiebreakers, disputes, conflicts, questions or concerns will be managed by a member of our staff

and, if required by law, by an independent adjudicator. In all matters, the decision(s) shall be final

and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.

2. Prize winners will be notified in the manner and within the time specified on the Competition

Notice. Return of any prize notification as undeliverable or failure to reply as specified in the

notification within the time stated therein may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate

winner. If more than one prize is awarded only one prize per entrant will be awarded. Competition

winners' names may be published on our website or you can write to the radio station, naming the

specific competition and including a self-addressed stamped envelope for a list of winners.Claims for

prizes must be made in the manner and within the time specified on the Competition Notice. Failure

to claim a prize within this time or in the manner specified may result in disqualification and

selection of an alternate winner.

3. Prizes are non-transferable and there is no cash alternative. We reserve the right to substitute

prizes of equal or greater value at any time.

4. We reserve the right, in our absolute discretion, to request a proof of identity in the form of your

passport, driving licence and a utility bill bearing your address.

5. Prizes are awarded at our discretion and prizes may be withheld in the event of improper actions

by or on behalf of any entrant. If the improper action is discovered after the prize has been released

you undertake, if required, to return the same (or provide compensation) to B RADIO forthwith.

6. Where a prize may not be appropriate for a younger contestant, the minimum age for entry will

be stated in the Competition Notice and must be observed.We reserve the right to request written

proof of age of any winner.

7. All prizes will be presented to winners via the UK mail service, unless otherwise noted. B RADIO does

not accept any liability or claims for prizes which are lost, delayed or damaged in the post or

otherwise not validly received by you

8. We will not be responsible for replacing a prize if a concert or ticketed event has been awarded as

a prize and the concert or event is cancelled or postponed.

9. A person or people at the same residential address may not win more than one prize valued at

£500 or greater within a one-year period following the first win.

10. Prizes must be taken in accordance with the dates and destinations and number of passengers

specified by B RADIO

11. There will be no cash alternative. There will be no alternative destination.

12. Holidays are non-transferable. Holidays are subject to availability.You must hold a valid UK

passport with at least 6 months' further duration (or competition entry will be invalid).

13. Holidays are not available to persons under the age of 18 without the express prior written

permission of B RADIO . Children between the ages of 12 and 16 years for the purpose of airfares are

considered to be adults. Children under 18 years of age must obtain written consent from a parent

or guardian and cannot travel unless accompanied by an adult over the age of 18.

14. You must comply with the terms and limitations of any insurance policy relating to the holiday.

15. You must comply with the terms and conditions of the airline and other transportation and

venues involved in the Competition or the Prize. In particular, you shall comply with all health and

safety guidelines and instructions and all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

16. You are not entitled nor authorised in any way to commit B RADIO to any contract, expense or cost

entered into or incurred without its advance written acceptance of the same. No variation of these

Terms is effective unless approved by an authorised representative of B RADIO in writing.

17. Passport control and in-country authorities will reserve the right to refuse entry. If you are

refused passage and or entry/exit to or from the country being visited, any additional costs incurred

will be your sole responsibility.

18. Any flights, other transport, airport details, accommodation or other aspects of the Prize, dates

and times quoted by B RADIO or its agents are for guidance only and are subject to change without notice

with no liability arising. You must have sufficient financial resources to meet any financial

commitment which they may incur in connection with the Prize beyond those included in the Prize

itself (including, without limitation, transfers to and from a London airport, meals and drinks).

19. The winner agrees to accept all blackout dates, space availability, requirements etc established

by our prize partner(s).

20. You must comply with and are responsible for attending to any inoculation and health

regulations required for your destination.

Intellectual Property Rights

1. You hereby grant and assign to B RADIO the entire copyright and other intellectual property rights in

and/or arising from your entry and your involvement in the Competition (including, without

limitation, all interviews, pictures, audio, audiovisual, whether your appearance is featured or

incidental) in all media and technology (the "Products"), and where such Products are not in

existence at the date of this Agreement, by way of present assignment of future assignment.

2. You represent and warrant that you have the right, power and authority to grant the rights set out

above and that you have obtained all consents and permissions in respect of the same.

3. For the avoidance of doubt, all rights in the name and title of the Competition and the format

rights for the Competition will vest exclusively in B RADIO for its own use (in its absolute discretion).

4. In consideration of us agreeing to consider entrants to the Competition, each entrant hereby

assigns to us the complete copyright and all other rights in any entry, which shall be for the full

period of copyright. We shall be free to assign such rights to third parties.

5. You hereby warrant that the information that you submit and/or distribute will not infringe the

intellectual property, privacy or any other rights of any third party, and will not contain anything,

which is libellous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening and shall indemnify B RADIO

for any loss, damage or liability arising in connection therewith. If relevant, we reserve the right, but

not the obligation (and without limiting our rights under your warranty and indemnity above), to

screen, filter and/or monitor information provided by you and to edit, refuse to distribute or remove

the same.


1. B RADIO is not liable in any way for any costs, expenses, damages, liability or injury arising out of or in

any way connected with the competition or prizes other than those costs and expenses specifically

provided for in the prize (if any). This exclusion does not include any liability for negligence by B RADIO or

death or personal injury arising out of such negligence.

2. We cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by

any entrant entering the competition or as a result of accepting any prize. We are not responsible

for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line

systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software failure of any email or entry to be

received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, telephone lines or at

any web site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to entrant's or any other

person's computer or mobile telephone related to or resulting from participation or downloading

any materials in the Competition.

3. It is agreed and accepted by you that B RADIO shall have no liability whatsoever in respect to

competitions operated on behalf of third parties, eg. Sponsor.


1. You undertake not at any time to disclose, reveal, communicate or otherwise make public any

confidential information relating to B RADIO , its business, personnel, servants, agents or officers to


2. You may not publicise your involvement in the competition or the fact that you have won a prize

without the prior written permission of B RADIO .

Data Protection and Publicity

1. Winners may be requested to take part in promotional activity and we reserve the right to use the

names of winners, their photographs and audio and/or visual recordings of them in any publicity.

2. Any personal data relating to entrants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data

protection legislation and will not, subject to 55 above, be disclosed to a third party without the

individual's prior consent.


1. There is no fee payable to you in respect of your involvement in the Competition.

2. The Terms (unless otherwise expressly confirmed in writing by B RADIO ) supersede all prior

representations, agreements, negotiations or understandings (whether oral or in writing). Except as

specifically set out herein, all conditions, warranties and representations expressed or implied by law

are excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, no information of any nature about the Competition or

the Prize or any of these Terms should be relied upon unless confirmed in writing by B RADIO . The

invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of the whole or part of a Term or Condition does not affect or

impair the continuation in force of the remainder of the Terms.

3. In the event that any provision of these terms are held to be illegal, invalid, void or otherwise

unenforceable it shall be severed from the remaining provisions of these Terms which shall continue

in full force and effect.

4. The failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy provided hereunder or by law does

not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or waiver of other rights or remedies

5. These Terms are not intended to nor shall create any rights, entitlements, claims or benefits

enforceable by any person that is not a party to them. Accordingly no person shall derive any benefit

or have any right, entitlement or claim in relation to this Agreement by virtue of the Contracts

(Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


1. The Competition and the terms and conditions of this agreement will be governed by English

law and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


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