A Spring Concert in the amazing acoustics of Reading Minster, St Mary's Butts, on Saturday 5th April at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Drinks available throughout.
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Join Thames Valley Gay Chorus for their Spring Concert in the amazing acoustics of Reading Minster, St Mary's Butts, on Saturday 5th April at 7pm.
“There's No Place Like Home” explores the theme of finding "home" and belonging within a chosen family and within yourself, after a time of feeling lost, off-course or misplaced. As well as music, we will also hear from some of the choir members in various forms about what “home” means to them.
Drinks will be available to purchase before, in the interval and after the concert.
Owing to the theme of home TVGC are partnering with Stonewall Housing who, for over 40 years, have provided free and confidential housing advice, advocacy and support for LGBTQ+ people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
To get your tickets, go to thamesvalleygaychorus.org.uk or google Outsavvy/TVGChome